
Cornerstone Wealth Capital Limited has a unique value proposition in its financial services. Our objective is to conceive schemes to help our clients meet their financial and strategic objectives. These strategies are driven by detailed market and economic research personalized to our company, which we possess to meet the client’s peculiarities. In addition to helping corporations raise funds, instruments, POF, RWA, etc.

What is a Financial Instrument?
Financial Instruments are assets that can be traded, or they can be viewed as packages of capital that can be traded. Most types of financial instruments allow for the efficient flow and transfer of capital across the globe’s investors. These assets can be cash, a contractual right to give or receive cash or another sort of financial instrument, or evidence of one’s ownership of an entity.

We advise them on optimal capital structures. In view of the structural weaknesses within the financial services sector. Cornerstone Wealth Capital Limited is obliged to carry out market development efforts by collaborating with passionate and committed partners of high repute.

Our clients are mostly from Africa and Asia. We developed flexible trade finance services that give you confidence whether you trade yourself or provide trade finance services to your clients. As an importer, exporter, or financial institution, managing risk effectively can be one of the key influences on your success.

Our Markets
Our flexible approach means we’re able to finance a wide range of transaction types, including commodities, capital goods and services.

Experienced & Qualified
Our trade services specialists are experts in our key markets and have professional qualifications. They are awarded by the Institute of Financial Services and recognized worldwide.

Products & Services
The trade finance services that we recommend will depend on the nature of your business and the geographies involved.

Letters of Credit
Letters of credit are the most commonly used way to ensure a secure settlement. Legally binding and internationally recognised, they provide reassurance for you and your supplier.

Guarantees & Bonds
A guarantee or bond issued by CORNERSTONE WEALTH CAPITAL lets your international supplier know that you will be able to meet your contractual obligations, provided they also meet theirs.

Where the security of a Letter of Credit isn’t required, we can collect documents on your behalf. This doesn’t carry the same guarantees, but it is a simpler method where you have confidence in the buyer’s credit status.

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